typera shorcut

 Fri 31 July 2020   In 编程   :)

[TOC] [toc]: add menu

typera shortcut

Ctl + +/-/number: h1 to h6, normal 字体大小(标题)

Ctl + b: bold Ctl + i: 倾斜 Ctl + u: underline

Ctl + \ : clean format

Ctl + e: choose the content with the same format

Ctl + l : select one line

Ctl + d: select a word

Ctl + shift + `: key word

Alt + Shift + 5: ~~delete line~~

\xx: 转义


  • - + blankspace
  • * + blankspace

  • number + blankspace

  • [ ] - + [ ] + blackspace

code block:

shift + ~~~

$$ $$ + enter: math $$

> + blank space: 引用

--- + enter: 分割线

Ctl + t: insert table

Ctl + k: insert link

Ctl +Shift + i : insert picture

:smile: : + word: 表情

Ctl + home/end

Ctl + Shift + l: show left outline

F11: full screen

Ctl + F: search

Ctl + H: search and replace

Ctl + Shift + +/-: zoom or narrow


typera shortcuts

  1. annotation